While the seasons change, the need to wash and dry clothes and bedding does not, so how can you speed up the drying process without specialist equipment?

If you try to put wet clothes outside at this time of year, you can’t expect them to dry, especially if the heavens suddenly open up and it rains.

Washing detergent brand Lenor has put together top tips for drying clothes inside in winter.

In addition to adding in a much-needed spin cycle on the washing machine, when dealing with everyday clothes (not delicates), a speedy spin could help.

Lenor explained: “Where possible, use your machine’s fastest spin cycle to help get rid of any excess water from your wash.

“Again, check the care labels on your laundry prior to washing as not all materials e.g. knits and delicates can tolerate an extra spin.”

To help prevent a musty smell from developing, it’s best to hang wet clothes as soon as the wash and spin finishes.

When you separate clothes on a clothes horse, make sure you don’t overcrowd the drying rack, as it’ll take much longer for the clothes to dry otherwise.

Also, try to position the airer near an open window to help prevent dampness and mould around the home.

Do try to dry clothes in a room that is used the least often, especially if the thought of an open window brings a chill down your spine.

It’s also wise to turn the clothes over on the airer after a few hours of drying.

Clearly, without specialist equipment, it’s still going to take a few hours for clothes to dry.

If, however, you really want to speed up the process and you’re willing to pay a bit of money, there are a few good options.

One example is investing in a heated clothes airer, which can cost anywhere up to £100.

For more savvy shoppers, you might be able to source a secondhand heated clothes airer on Facebook Marketplace or eBay.

Mumsnetters recommended a heated airer in combination with a dehumidifier to take moisture out of the home.

One Mumsnet user said: “Why do so many people not use them or know about [electric dehumidifiers]? They are an absolute game changer and will be so much better for your home than the moisture-laden air that is present otherwise.”