Losing weight might seem like an impossible task for some but with the right lifestyle and diet changes, slimmers will see the pounds drop off.

Exercise, whether it’s cycling, skipping, weight training, hula-hooping, jogging, or even walking, is important for weight loss and overall wellbeing.

But as the saying goes, “abs are built in the kitchen”, and a healthy, balanced diet is paramount if you want to achieve your weight loss goals.

Express.co.uk spoke exclusively to wellness author, nutritionist and celebrity trainer/healer Christianne Wolff about the number one recipe slimmers should incorporate into their diets.

Luckily, this recipe is totally easy to whip up, suitable for kitchen experts and novices alike. Not only this, it’s extremely cheap with just a handful of ingredients.

Christianne told Express.co.uk: “The best recipe for helping you slim down is a green smoothie. It balances your blood sugar levels, stops you craving sugar, satiates and hydrates you and fuels you with nutrients so you have good energy for a few hours after having it.”

But the benefits of Christianne’s green smoothie are not just for the waistline. The expert said: “It also improves your sleep, your digestion, your skin and your mood, which in turn helps you lose weight, gain more energy and feel more calm.”

As for when dieters should enjoy this tasty smoothie, she advised: “I would recommend having it first thing in the morning, but is also useful as a mid afternoon snack to stop that 5pm energy slump.”


One handful of berries (frozen or fresh)

Two cups of coconut water

Half an avocado

And either add greens powder or a green vegetable like spinach.


Blend together and drink immediately

The great thing about this smoothie is you can chuck in a multitude of different fruits or veggies depending on what you’ve got at home and your personal taste.

For those who are trying to lose weight, the NHS has provided some guidance on how to do this healthily and sustainably.

The NHS recommends getting active for 150 minutes a week. You can break this up into bite-sized sessions.

With regards to diet, aim to get your 5 A Day, read food labels – opting for products with more green than red or orange – swap sugary drinks for water and cut down on foods that are high in sugar and fat.

Hold yourself accountable but also allow others to support you. The NHS advises that slimmers share their weight loss plan with someone they trust.