Six-step guide to spring cleaning 

1. Recognise that you need a declutter

When it comes to knocking a bad habit and course correcting, there’s a widely-accepted belief that “acceptance is the first step.” Lake co-signs the sentiment.

Most of us lead busy lives and/or have kids and pets that contribute to messes here and there. That is par for the course, so there’s no point in dwelling or feeling shame about it. 

Experts such as Lake recommend a “cleaning as you go” method, which means tackling messes as quickly as possible to prevent a massive cleanup.

“Not many of us love tidying, so it’s very easy to keep putting it off, but clutter can build up quickly if we don’t keep an eye on things,” Lake says. “As soon as you notice your living space getting cluttered, it’s best to tackle it straight away before it gets out of control.”

To make the process feel like more of a spiritual ritual and cleansing, you can refer to Japanese minimalism expert Marie Kondo’s spring cleaning guide. Even Kondo, herself, has admitted that her messy toddlers have changed her perspective.

2. Ask yourself if you need all your items

Marie Kondo has taught us to ask us if our objects “spark joy” to determine whether or not it should be kept or trashed. She also recommends taking all the objects out, so that you can visually see them all. For example, when going through your closet take out all of your clothes, which can help you spot duplicates easier.

Lake shared some other thought-provoking questions to ask yourself while sorting through your items.

“Do you have numerous pieces of clothing in your wardrobe that you never wear or are you struggling for room on your shelves due to the amount of candles and ornaments you have accumulated over the years?” Lake said.

She added: “When looking at getting a grip on your hoarding, the first thing you need to do is ask yourself which things you actually need, and which ones are taking up unnecessary space.”

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3. Sort your items into keep, sell or donate piles

As you’re going through your things, she advises separating your items into the following three categories: keep, sell or donate.

“One of the best ways of identifying how many items you have and planning on what to do with them is to lay them out on the floor and begin to sort them into different piles,” Lake explains. 

Experts typically recommend reselling clothes of higher value and donating the rest to a local shelter or even friends. This is a sustainable way to give clothes and other items a second life rather than tossing them in the trash, where it’ll likely end up in a landfill.

4. Make a plan for selling your items

The two critical questions to ask yourself during this process is: Do I have the time? Do I need some extra cash? 

The former is a particularly important question to honestly ask yourself because the reselling process can be lengthy and time consuming. However, it can be a great way to secure some extra spending money.

If you decide to give it a go, Lake says: “If you are looking to sell an item, always do your research and look into how much similar items have sold for.”

She adds: “This is easy to do on websites such as eBay as you can simply browse sold items by selecting the ‘sold items’ tab on the dashboard and typing in your product name.”

Other platforms to resell clothes and other items include, Depop, The Real Real and Poshmark.

5. Make a plan for donating your items

If you don’t have the time to put into reselling your items, donating is a great way to give back and give your items a second life.

“If you have less time and are keen for some good karma then donating your unwanted items to charity is a great way to feel like you’re doing some good,” Lake says about donating.

If you’re looking to find a donation center, she says: “You can find your nearest donation point by researching charity websites or looking for signs in your local area, while supermarkets often have donation points too.”

6. Invest in functional storage to reduce clutter

Investing in functional storage items such as furniture with storage or easy to tuck away bins is a great way to keep you home neat and tidy.

Lake recommends “decorative units” and “slimline boxes under the bed,” which can be used to store unseasonal clothing or organize electronics and kids toys.