According to Meaco, searches for dehumidifiers have almost tripled in the last two years with many households boycotting their tumble dryers and turning to dehumidifiers to help dry washing.

They work by helping to manage indoor moisture levels by sucking in the air, removing the moisture, and then blowing the treated, warm dry air back out.

A dehumidifier will remove the water from clothes, making them great solution to not only speed up laundry drying but also protect the home from potential damp and mould issues.

There are so many on the market, some for as little as £40 and cost as little as 4p to run which can help households save on bills.

1. Get the right-sized machine

Chris Michael, managing director at Meaco, said: “Most dehumidifiers can help dry laundry but getting the right size for your requirement can help speed up the process. 

“A more powerful dehumidifier will do the job quicker and will cost less per litre of water collected, but it’s worth bearing in mind that the more powerful it is, the noisier the machine will be.

“A 10-litre compressor is best for one person with a limited amount of washing to be dried. A larger 12L or 20L machine will be best if you’re drying washing for three or four people regularly. A 25-litre is suitable for those who have larger families and lots of wet washing to dry every week.”

2. Choose your drying space wisely

In a perfect world, dehumidifiers should be used in a specific laundry room or spare room which never gets too damp.

However, many people don’t have the extra space so make sure it is used in as small a space as possible.

Chris said Britons should avoid using a dehumidifier in a bathroom because it isn’t IP-rated.

3. Arrange your dehumidifier and your clothes correctly

The expert explained: “Positioning the dehumidifier correctly will help dry your clothes quicker and save electricity in the process.

“Place a drying rack away from walls to prevent the moisture from being trapped. Many dehumidifiers also require a 30cm gap behind the machine to ensure it can pull in the air effectively so avoid placing these appliances flush against a wall. It is also important that the dehumidifier is placed close to the washing.

“Hang items individually and with as much space in between them as possible so they will dry more quickly. Put smaller clothes on the bottom of a clothes horse and large ones at the top, using hangers where possible to spread clothes out. 

“All the clothes should be exposed to the air to help them dry. Setting the washing machine to complete an extra rinse cycle also ensures the clothes come out as dry as possible before you hang them out.”

4. Use a laundry mode

Many devices have a specific laundry mode which is a higher speed fan setting with a lower humidity target which compensates for the additional moisture coming from clothes.

They tend to run for about six hours which is typically how long a load of wet washing will take to dry.

5. Switch on a cooling fan

Using a fan alongside a dehumidifier will help dry clothes even quicker, according to the expert.

He added: “The fan replicates the conditions of a windy day, which helps force moisture out of the clothes that the dehumidifier then draws in. 

“This can take hours off your drying time. Your clothes will dry quicker, and your dehumidifier will be even more energy efficient as it doesn’t have to run for as long. 

“Most cooling fans use very little electricity, which makes them time and energy allies for dehumidifiers when drying washing indoors.”